Friday, November 7, 2008

Famous People Affected

Famous Gifted People With Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD**

Alexander Graham Bell
Terry Bradshaw
Jim Carrey
Prince Charles
Agatha Christie
Bill Cosby
Tom Cruise
Leonardo da Vinci
John Denver
Walt Disney
Thomas Edison
Albert Einstein
Dwight D. Eisenhower
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Henry Ford
Benjamin Franklin
Ernest Hemingway
"Magic" Johnson
Micheal Jordan
John Lennon
Meriwether Lewis (Lewis & Clark)
Abraham Lincoln
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Napoleon Bonaparte
Sir Issac Newton
General George Patton
Pablo Picasso
Edgar Allan Poe
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
Pete Rose
Babe Ruth
Nolan Ryan
George Bernard Shaw
Steven Spielberg
Sylvester Stallone
Henry David Thoreau
Vincent van Gogh
Jules Verne
Robin Williams
Woodrow Wilson
Stevie Wonder

1 comment:

kayla said...

Wow! A President had ADD?! that may explain a few things...