Friday, November 14, 2008

Fast Facts, ADD style

Frequently, children with ADD/ADHD characteristics also have emotional instability. They display outbursts ranging from excitement to extreme anger, and are an enormous challenge for parents and educators who are not equipped to handle such situations. In distress, parents seek the advice of family physicians. The doctor, because of a lack of expertise in this field, frequently prescribes drugs in an attempt to corral the explosive behavior and decrease the learning handicap.

This disorder has been reported to affect up to 20% of school-age children, but a conservative 5% figure is more widely accepted since the study that published that figure followed "improved diagnostic criteria." Boys show a 10 times higher incidence of ADD/ADHD than do girls. The drug "
Ritalin" is the most common medical treatment with over 2 million American children (mostly boys) taking the drug. "Ritalin" prescriptions to children are controversial and the possible dangerous side effects are hotly debated.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Because some og the patients have emotional instability and angry outbursts, is it possible that the diagnosis may be mistaken as bipolar disorder?