Friday, November 14, 2008

!@#$%^ do i have ADD??

After researching Attention Deficit Disorder, I started to freak out and think I had ADD. Don't get freaked out if you have many of the symptoms of ADD because it is extremely common. Numerous young children, teens, and adults face problems of disorganization and the inability to concentrate. Just because you have some of the symptoms does not mean that you can diagnose yourself with ADD. It is okay to be able to relate with some of the information I have posted :) I love you all


Anonymous said...

LOVE THE TITLE PAL! =) good picture too! it made me laugh! p.s. i'm not surprised you have ADD!

kayla said...

Considering that you have done a s tupendous job on blogging, and have the most information at this point, it is safe to say that you most likely don't have ADD, however, the title of this does concern me slighty :) keep up the good work!

zz0010 said...

well to be honest i think we all have symptoms of ADD and at some point we have all really thought that we had it. but for you kaitlyn i am starting to wonder .... jk... but seriously id get that checked out