Friday, November 14, 2008

showing signs of ADD?? yes indeed

Real Life Stories
Jake, 9 years old, is starting to avoid school. His teacher reports that he squirms around in his seat, stands up unexpectedly and seldom finishes his work. The kids sitting near him in class say he's always interrupting and shouting out the answers (generally wrong). His desk is in disarray; papers are on the floor and his work is disorganized. He's often not picked for soccer games and then tries to spoil the game for the others.

Sarah, 14, chooses to sit in the back of the classroom, and much of the time she's doodling in her notebook or staring out of the window. She seldom completes assignments and often forgets to bring the right books to class. Her desk is a mess and she usually can't find what she's looking for. Then she gets resentful and says that everybody picks on her.

Danny, 4, attends nursery school. He has an aide assigned specifically to help him comply with the routine of the group. He would prefer to roam around the room, picking up toys here and there but doesn't really get interested in any one activity. During story time he doesn't become involved in the story, but keeps repeating the same questions in a loud tone of voice. Danny's mother states that she avoids family gatherings and celebrations because he gets overly excited and then she can't control him.

Sarah, Danny and Jake have all been diagnosed as having ADHD, the most common of the childhood psychiatric disorders.

!@#$%^ do i have ADD??

After researching Attention Deficit Disorder, I started to freak out and think I had ADD. Don't get freaked out if you have many of the symptoms of ADD because it is extremely common. Numerous young children, teens, and adults face problems of disorganization and the inability to concentrate. Just because you have some of the symptoms does not mean that you can diagnose yourself with ADD. It is okay to be able to relate with some of the information I have posted :) I love you all

Fast Facts, ADD style

Frequently, children with ADD/ADHD characteristics also have emotional instability. They display outbursts ranging from excitement to extreme anger, and are an enormous challenge for parents and educators who are not equipped to handle such situations. In distress, parents seek the advice of family physicians. The doctor, because of a lack of expertise in this field, frequently prescribes drugs in an attempt to corral the explosive behavior and decrease the learning handicap.

This disorder has been reported to affect up to 20% of school-age children, but a conservative 5% figure is more widely accepted since the study that published that figure followed "improved diagnostic criteria." Boys show a 10 times higher incidence of ADD/ADHD than do girls. The drug "
Ritalin" is the most common medical treatment with over 2 million American children (mostly boys) taking the drug. "Ritalin" prescriptions to children are controversial and the possible dangerous side effects are hotly debated.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Famous People Affected

Famous Gifted People With Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD**

Alexander Graham Bell
Terry Bradshaw
Jim Carrey
Prince Charles
Agatha Christie
Bill Cosby
Tom Cruise
Leonardo da Vinci
John Denver
Walt Disney
Thomas Edison
Albert Einstein
Dwight D. Eisenhower
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Henry Ford
Benjamin Franklin
Ernest Hemingway
"Magic" Johnson
Micheal Jordan
John Lennon
Meriwether Lewis (Lewis & Clark)
Abraham Lincoln
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Napoleon Bonaparte
Sir Issac Newton
General George Patton
Pablo Picasso
Edgar Allan Poe
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
Pete Rose
Babe Ruth
Nolan Ryan
George Bernard Shaw
Steven Spielberg
Sylvester Stallone
Henry David Thoreau
Vincent van Gogh
Jules Verne
Robin Williams
Woodrow Wilson
Stevie Wonder

ADD Diagnosis

The diagnosis of ADD/ADHD should not be made quickly. It should include information from a variety of significant adults in the child's life including the parents, teachers, physician, and psychologist who specializes in the field, as well as input from the child. It may also be helpful to have a learning specialist involved since ADD/ADHD children frequently have special education needs such as giftedness or difficulty in math. As research continues, some specialists are encouraging people to think of ADD/ADHD not as a disorder, but simply as a different style of learning which, when supported, can enhance the student's innate abilities.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Do you have a tendency toward ADD??? Find out here!

Please feel free to follow this link and take an Attention Deficit Disorder test!